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Although largely integrative in nature, Ashley's therapeutic approach primarily pulls from psychodynamic and psychoanalytic theories.


Our human makeup is intricate just like a mandala. We are multilayered and complex, detailed and dynamic. To illustrate, grab any map and you will find a network of interstates, expressways, and highways and county roads, hiking trails, and footpaths. Think of your brain - your entire “system” - being represented in a similar fashion. This involves a detailed network of processes that is partly conscious and partly unconscious. 



​Ashley's theoretical framework also includes an orientation to attachment theories, based on the works of Bowlby and Ainsworth.


Attachment-Oriented Therapy

"I consider my office and my presence in it to be a holding space for you; I consider right-brain to right-brain attunement to be a starting place in treatment; I consider myself an active- and direct-therapist; and I honor the process of exploring attachment wounds and following your system to its optimum health."

Image by Franco Antonio Giovanella


Carl G. Jung believed that psychological distress is a result of an imbalance within the individual, often experienced as an alienation from the deeper personality, or the Self. Depth psychology seeks to restore the individual’s connection to the Self. This effort can be achieved through the therapeutic relationship, cognitive and behavioral activities, dream interpretation, active imagination, and work with other parts.


More on parts work therapy.


In practice, depth psychology explores underlying motives as an approach to various mental disorders, as well as identifying distorted ideas and beliefs. The outcome derived from uncovering these underlying motives is intrinsically healing, as you discover the deepest layers beneath behavioral and cognitive processes.



Although insight and understanding are important for change to occur, they are meaningless if not paired with constructive behavior change. Together Ashley will work with you to develop goals for therapy, and when appropriate, objectives will be modified to meet your evolving needs.


Psychotherapy is not a linear process.

Some parts of therapy can be difficult and uncomfortable but if it's safe enough to explore those parts, then that's usually where we find our potential for optimum health.


Your safety is always the priority. You reserve the right to exit treatment at any time. You are invited to be here. All parts of you are welcome.


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